Cover page Spatial mobility and HIV/AIDS ISBN/DATE



Workshop organized by UNDP-SEAHIV and CICRED

Compiled by Jessica White



This report provides an overview of the presentations and discussions at the UNDP South East Asia HIV and Development Programme and CICRED joint workshop on interrelations between development, spatial mobility and HIV/AIDS.
The workshop was organized by the UNDP South East Asia HIV and Development Programme and the Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography (CICRED). It was attended by participants from countries in Africa. Asia. Europe and North America. They represented academia. non-governmental organizations and development programmes concerned with HIV/AIDS issues and social development. Participants and observers were from Mali. South Africa. India. Pakistan. Thailand and Viet Nam in Asia: France. Italy and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Europe; Canada and the United States of America in North America; Mexico in Central America; and Australia in Oceania as well as UNESCO. WFP and FAO.
The objective of the workshop was to produce a better understanding of the complex and little-understood and not-often-studied interrelationships between development and HIV/AIDS by sharing data and information on mobility systems obtained by researchers from institutions in both the 'North' and the 'South'.
The workshop brought together a wide range of researchers on demography, anthropology and development related to spatial mobility as well as practitioners dealing with HIV/AIDS in order to increase the collaboration between the research community and HIV programme
We hope this compilation of selected research papers will stimulate decision makers, donors and programme practitioners to strengthen research support on development and spatial mobility for effective HIV responses.

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December 2004